Animal Communication

You know, your animals have secret lives, thoughts, feelings and wisdom.

I’m able to hear them, understand them and communicate with them so they share their needs, issues, desires and emotions.

Animals can have the most interesting things to say, when we give them space to express themselves.

Your Animal Communication session is a chance for you to have direct connection with the thoughts and feelings of your pet.

  • I’m specializes in working with animals and their people on the emotional and spiritual levels. As a Professional Animal Communicator, End & After Life Grief Specialist, I support you in navigating your beloved pets ‘End of Life journey’.

  • I help you understand your pet’s needs, wishes and perspective.

Is there a burning question about your pet?

Experienced a loss and need help with the passing?

Is your animal friend deceased and you like to talk to your pet?

Do you want to deepen your bonds with your animal

Adopting and want to know more about their past?

Will you be introducing a new family member soon?

Has your pet gotten lost or run away?

Is your pet having a behavior problem?

Themen bei denen ich helfen kann:

Lebensübergänge, neue Wohnung, Mitbewohner,
neuer Partner, Baby oder Tier im Haushalt, frühe Lebensprobleme, die zu Verlassenheitsgefühlen, Schüchternheit, Aggression und mehr führen, Futtermittelunverträglichkeit, Krankheit, Tod.
Überlegungen und Bedürfnisse am Ende des Lebens.

Was passiert während einer Tierkommunikationssitzung?

Ich verbinde mich telepathisch mit deinem Haustier. Wir müssen dafür nicht am selben Ort sein.

Normalerweise benutze ich ein aktuelles Foto des Tieres, um mich mit ihm zu verbinden. Anschliessend gebe ich dir weiter, was es mir mitgeteilt hat. Das kann durch Bilder, Gefühle, Worte, Gerüche und mehr geschehen.

connecting with the souls of animals and people

  • Animal Communication

    When we give your animal friends a voice, we can find mutually beneficial resolutions to challenges you may be experiencing. This can bring more peace, harmony and understanding into your lives.

  • Aura Readings

    The aura is an energy field, that is unique to every living being. The aura reflects the past and the current influences, worries, potential, blockages, ways to find a solution and much more. The aura is something like a complex data storage device.

  • Chakra Energy Healing

    Chakras are energy points in your body that impact your health and well-being. Blocked chakras can contribute to health conditions like depression, low self-esteem, anxiety to panic attacks and even physical discomfort that reduce your quality of life. Experience the energy-work technique to release stagnant energy from your seven chakras, strengthening and harmonizing every dimension of your life.